I don't think I am going to tell you what you are looking at.
The what was there, but the how, not that simple.
There was not much light, and I needed
Read MoreI don't think I am going to tell you what you are looking at.
The what was there, but the how, not that simple.
There was not much light, and I needed
Read MoreThe light was magnificent, low evening sun, full of promise.
I knew there where great pictures in the air, I only had to grab them.
In conditions like that
Sometimes it can be difficult to decide when to click.
The picture itself is there in your mind. You know the 'what', the sentiment you want to capture. But when..
Read MoreI don't fancy a description to accompany a picture, this is not journalism. I prefer to let the viewer work it out.
But in this case the why does have an added value.
This is at the Making of Harry Potter Studio Tour, near London, just before
Read MoreWhen making pictures during a day, either working on a story or just visiting an unknown place, I have a tendency to take less and less pictures.
Creating photographs takes a lot of energy, but so does moving through an unknown place, or city, or environment, interacting with your surroundings, getting fed in time, moving from one location to another, you get
While doing some shopping and taking care of things we had to do, I was busy taking pictures.
The world of train stations is allways an intriguing place for me, a lot of people things happening. I noticed
Read MoreWe are working on a long-term project concerning shipping, I won't elaborate too much on that, nothing solid yet, but this photograph is part of that project, as an example of the style we might want to achieve.
What I want to show here is how
Read MoreFinaly another post after some months.
It took a while because I changed my approach to photography, and I had to learn part of the trade again.
I bought myself an old
Read MoreLeuven, The Botanical Garden.
We had to get the car fixed at Carglass, so a lot of time to kill.
Never a problem, we arranged to have it done near Leuven and went
The train station at Wavre
I am doing a series on the surroundings of the train station in Wavre. That means walking around, wandering the streets, looking, observing
Walking around in Leuven, I always seem to be drawn to the train station and it's square in front.
The light was difficult, not much of it, and very uneven, like here, where the cafe inside
Another Dark one.
Nathalie and I went for a trip by car, just the two of us, very nice. We needed a destination, so I decided on Ronquieres, guessing
This one was more-or-less casual, taken while we went shopping.
I just got myself a new 18 mm for the X-Pro 1, and I wanted to familiarise myself with it as much as possible, so I selected
Nathalie taking the train to Leuven.
I like to take photos when the light gets difficult. Things are happening.
But it is
I am not such a big fan of studies in form and colour, but hey
Read MoreJust a view during an evening walk
Read MoreThis morning it was raining, and that is always good for photography.
But photographing 'rain' is not easy, at least not for me. It is difficult to
It starts to show that summer is slowly coming to an end. The sun has a different angle and sets earlier again. The light is warmer. August, in other words.
I noticed the light falling on the fly curtain, beautiful patches of light playing around, chasing